The dates for the 2025 Loggerodeo are set but may change slightly.
Our annual 4th of July Grand Parade it will begin at 11:00am sharp on July 4th and lasts around 2 hours. Spots along the route do fill up fast so get there early for a parking spot and your spot to watch the parade. There are on average 100 plus entries, including decorated floats, old John Deere Tractors, from the Cascade 2 Cylinder Club, Horses, Antique Cars, Firetrucks, log Trucks, Marching bands, and the Nile Shriners.
For the Safety of everyone, There is no throwing of any items from any Motorized, moving vehicles, Trailers or acrost the street is Prohibited. Any entry wishing to distribute candy, Flyers, water, or other items must have a person walk within 3 feet of the crowd to hand or put items at the feet of spectators.
Line up starts on 3rd St. and Bennett St.
Left on State St.
Right on Metcalf St.
Right on Ferry St.
Right on Township St.
End at Township and State St.
1st place: #1 Sons of Norway
2nd place: #44 Sedro-Woolley Class of 2004
3rd place: #66 Skagit Quarter Midget Racing Club
Log Trucks:
1st place: #60 Deming Log Show
2nd place: #68 Janicki Logging & Construction
3rd place: # 85 Colby Walker Trucking
1st place: #33/34 Northwest Propane LLC & pooper scooper
2nd place: #69/70 Ramilia Gonzalez Riding Horses & pooper scooper
Antique Truck/Car:
1st place: #79 Ben Zomok: Model A Ford
2nd place: #40 Carl Vander Sar: 1952 International L 160
3rd place: #46 Upper Room Family Learning Cooperative
1st place: #55 Sedro-Woolley Little League 12U Allstars Majors
2nd place: #77 International Ordervof Rainbow for Girls
3rd place: #6 Sedro-Woolley Steelclaw Wrestling Club
Antique Tractor/Fire Truck:
1st place: #16 Clear Lake Fire Department
2nd place: #37 Cascade Two Cylinder Club
3rd place: #82 McLean Road Fire:Skagit Fire District #2
1st place: #109 J & M Trucking
2nd place: #78 Priesthood Motorcycle Ministry
3rd place: #26 Central Methodist/PLAG Skagit & Friends
Band and Drill:
1st place: #14 Sedro-Woolley Cubs Cheer Booster
2nd place: #13 Skagit Valley Combined High School Marching Band
1st #92 Tea and Tour
2nd #74 Skagit Muzzle Loaders
3rd #31 Sedro-Woolley Minor Boys Allstars
(Alesandra Artis)
Log Truck
1st #56 Bob Hillier
2nd #66 Janicki Logging & Construction
3rd #55 Bob Hillier
1st #58A Northwest Propane/Shagren's Belgians
2nd #82 Percherons of Big Lake Stables
3rd #9A Sedro-Woolley Riding Club and Queen Maddy Durkin
Pooper Scoopers
1st #9b Sedro-Woolley Riding Club and Queen Maddy Durkin
2nd #58A Northwest Propane/Shagren's Belgians
Antique Tractors/Fire Truck
1st #24 Cascade Two Cylinder Club
2nd #49 Skagit County Historical Museum
3rd #37 Antique Fire Truck
Band and Drill
1st #45 Grupo Folklorico Mi Tierra
2nd #14 Combined Skagit Valley High School Marching Band
3rd #13 Sedro-Woolley High School Cheerleaders
Antique Truck/Car
1st #54 Bob Hiller: 1956 Ford Crown Victoria
2nd #62 1949 Mercury 2 Door Coupe
3rd #39 1952 International 160
Youth Group
1st #75 Sedro-Woolley Little League Allstars: Minor Girls Thunder Diamonds
Skagit County Historical Museum
Cascade 2 Cylinder Club
Grand Marshall
Sedro-Woolley Riding Club and Queen Maddy Durkin
Bob Hiller: 1956 Ford Crown Victoria
Antique Fire Truck
International 160
Grupo Folklorico Mi Terra
Bob Hiller
Bob Hiller
Northwest Propane/Shagren's Belgians
1949 Mercury 2 Door Coupe
Janicki Logging & Construction
Skagit Muzzle Loaders
Sedro-Woolley Little League Allstars: Minor Girls Thunder Diamonds
Percherons of Big Lake Stables
Tea and Tour