Welcome to Sedro-Woolley's 
4th o​f July​ Cel​ebr​ation!

The dates for the 2025 Loggerodeo are set but may change slightly.

Pie Eating Contest

2023 was the first pie eating contest for the Sedro-Woolley Loggerodeo and we plan on having it again in 2024. 
There are 3 groups of contestants with a max of 10 participants in each category. The categories are age groups and are as follows 9-13, 14-19, and 19 and up. 
If you are a participant it can and probably will get messy so ware something you don't mind getting dirty.

2023 Pie eating

Sedro-Woolley Loggerodeo
Pie Eating Contest 2024

Pie Eating Contest Rules and Waiver Do you love eating pie? Do you think you can eat one faster than everyone else? Then register to be a part of the 2024 Pie Eating Contest.  Fill out the application and email it to sedrowoolleyloggerodeo@frontier.com. Come and see if you’re the fastest.
The Rules are as follows:   Entries are limited to the first 10 contestants to register in each age category. Contestants must place their hands behind their backs while eating the pie. Contestants must not touch / eat any pie until the start signal is given. No hands may be used. Hands may not come into contact with the pie at any time. Touching the pie or vomiting during the contest will result in a disqualification. The first person to finish his/her pie will throw their hands in the air to end the contest and be declared the winner within a 5 minute time period. Judges will decide if pie is actually finished before ending the contest. In the event of a tie, there will be an “Eat Off” between the contestants to find the winner of the contest. Contestants under the age of 18 will be required to have their parent or guardian sign the application/waiver.  Please complete the registration form and return to Sedro-Woolley Loggerodeo.   

All registrants must read and sign this waiver before entering.  I know that eating a pie at a fast rate of speed is a potentially hazardous and an uncomfortable activity. I should not enter and eat unless I am medically capable. I realize that this is all in good fun, and I agree to be a good sport. I agree to abide by any decision of the contest officials and all of the contest rules. I assume all risks associated with eating in this type of event including, but not limited to, indigestion, that stuffed feeling, contact with other contestants, a general dislike for pie after I am done. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, I waive and release the Sedro-Woolley Loggerodeo and the contest organizers from all claims of liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event.​  

  by Submitting this you still need to sign the form in person at the event. If you are under 18 you need to have a parent sign the waiver.  

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